Thursday, October 2, 2014

ISRO, NASA set to jointly explore Mars

Isro, Nasa set to jointly explore Mars. This means that finally top US space agency has started taking ISRO seriously.

New York Times ran a very disappointing cartoon showing India trying to knock at a door. Behind the door two serious looking white old men were talking among themselves. The ones inside the room were shown to be US and Russia, space super powers that were unwilling to allow India enter the select space club. India was represented by a farmer in traditional north Indian clothes and a somber looking cow.

While New York Times may not like to see Indian space program prosper and Indian space agency ISRO being taken seriously, United States and its top space organization NASA seems to be warming towards India. This seems more true after the success of India’s Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM (Mangalyaan). This was the first time that an Asian nation did it and did it in the first attempt itself. US had flopped four times before putting its Mars orbiter into Martian orbit.

Now United States has agreed to take their relations to a new level altogether. India and the United States have joined hand and announced the formation of a NASA-ISRO Mars working group. This will help the two nations and their space agencies to co-operate more formally on the issue of Mars exploration.

There is another positive development in this regard too. The two space agencies have also signed another agreement that particularly defines roles in the building of the NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). This will be reportedly launched six years from now in 2020.
There is no denying the fact that the NISAR programme is enticing one as it plans to make make global measurements of the causes behind changes in land surface. This will be the most accurate measurement of land surface and its accuracy will be of less than a centimetre. India seems to have finally arrived at international space scene.

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