Thursday, October 2, 2014

India vs Pakistan: Trial by fire in Asian Games hockey final

Tactics in India-Pakistan games always seem to fall apart as the emotions take hold and everyone reverts back to just run and gun. I feel it's not going to change on the big day today. This rivalry is something else.

There is an old saying: 'the hottest fire makes the hardest sword.' Today is trial by fire for India and Pakistan, and there is no getting away from the pressure.
Cope with it and succeed or don't and fail.
It's going to be the most pressure any of the young players on the pitch today will have ever experienced. There is so much at stake here. Some will stand up to be counted, some may fail, and that's where the winner will be decided.

The Game
Both teams will attack; it's in their nature.

If Sardar Singh plays really well, and the last game [semi-final against South Korea) was the first time in about a year I have really seen him come to play, and PR Sreejesh has a great game, then India will be in business.

Pakistan have the more experienced team but older. Shakeel Abbasi is the key and will need to be held in check. If India can nullify some of the older Pakistani players and get at the slow defence, then it will help.

The Pakistan forwards are very experienced and they will test the Indian defence all day. They rely on that type of play. If it comes off and they get confident, India will struggle.

India: Sardar, Sreeejesh, Manpreet Singh and Birender Lakra. Huge performances are needed from this quartet. VR Raghunath also needs to step up and play the game of his life. But he is carrying extra weight and that's an issue and may be a problem in the later part of the game. I am hoping Rupinderpal Singh plays as his penalty corners could be the key. However, he may have damaged his groin too much and that's a shame for him.

Pakistan: Abbasi, Muhammad Waqas, Muhammad Rizwan Sr and goalkeeper Imran Butt. All are capable of producing a winning performance. Abbasi is a proven world class player and at his best could be the decider. Same with Waqas, also a world class match winner, tough to stop.

Tough one. India need to break Pakistan's running game at every opportunity. It they can do that, then India could come out on top.

India need to come out with youthful enthusiasm against a very experienced Pakistan team. The emotions in this game play a very big part in the result. I am just hoping the young Indian players really understand what is at stake here and realise they are playing for India.

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