Friday, October 24, 2014

8 Myths About Women Drinking In India Which Need To Be Cleared ASAP!

First of all, it’s just really hard for people to accept that women drink in India. In fact, it’s harder for them to digest that women in India like to drink and have a good time. Too western for us? Well, wake the hell up, it’s 2014! Rather almost the end of it. Secondly, men think way too differently about women who drink. You know, they have all sorts of notions about them and the way they behave after drinking. Well, just to clear the air, here are 8 myths about women drinking in India which need to be set straight.

1. Women who drink have loose morals.

Women who drink have loose morals imgur

I think there’s a strange defect in Indian men’s brain which makes them think that women who drink have loose morals. Repeat after me, drinking has got nothing to do with morals. Okay?

2. Women drinking is a clear sign that she’s an easy pick up.

Women drinking is a clear sign that she’s an easy pick up imgur

Hell no! A girl is not looking for a hook up if she’s been drinking. BTW, has it ever occurred to you that perhaps she’s just looking to have a nice time with her buddies?

3. Women get high within one or two drinks and have no capacity.

While there are some delicate darlings out there, the truth is women can drink, like a lot! Challenge a woman to drinking game and you’d see for yourself!

4. Women only drink wine or vodka based cocktails.

Let me get this straight once and for all- we love scotch and beer too! They aren’t just reserved for men.

5. Women can’t handle their drinks.

Contrary to the popular belief, we actually handle our drinks rather well. Some part of our brain would still be rational even when we are drunk.

6. Women will definitely puke later on if they’re drunk.

Well, I’ll definitely feel like puking if you keep stereotyping us like that! Any person irrespective of the gender may or may not puke after drinking, based on their body’s system. So, why single out only women?

7. Women drink just to boast about the fact that they can drink.

Hey, women are awesome. We have a lot of other things to boast about! This one is just not on our list.

8. Women go crazy taking selfies when they are drunk.

Total BS! That, we do even when we are sober!

A woman deserves respect and space, irrespective of whether she drinks or not. Just like boys, they also want to have a little bit of fun and let loose. Is it too much to ask for?

who we are 8 Myths About Women Drinking In India Which Need To Be Cleared ASAP!

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