Monday, August 11, 2014

Some amazing facts about left handed people

  • Four out of five (80%) original Macintosh computer designers were left handed
  • Five out of the last seven (71%) US presidents were left handed (Barack Obama’s runner-up – senator John McCain – is also a lefty);
  • One out of four (25%) Apollo astronauts – who were all selected e.g. by their high intelligence – was left handed;
  • Mensa International  (the largest and oldest high-IQ society in the world) claims that 20% of their members are left handed;
  • A 1988 study reported: 16.9% of 266 United States Chess Federation players being left-handed or ambidextrous (included in the sample were e.g. 138 male Chess Masters, 18.1% was left-handed or ambidextrous).
  • Left-handers are generally more intelligent, better looking, imaginative and multi-talented than right handers 

  • Left-handed people are three times more likely than right-handed people to become alcoholics.
  • If both parents are left handed, 50% of their offspring will be left-handed. Two righties only have a 2% chance of having a lefty.

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